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"It was mostly timing. An opportunity zhanjiao1212 0 142 22.04.2019 07:42
Columbus Crew in Florida earlier this week.Ever zhanjiao1212 0 110 22.04.2019 07:42
he amount of time lost from my spleen injury, coupled with the recovery from my complications from that injury, preclude me from zhanjiao1212 0 89 22.04.2019 07:41
on as coach, leading the Nets to a 44-38 record and a secon zhanjiao1212 0 127 22.04.2019 07:41
Tampa Bay this season way back on Opening Day, yiel zhanjiao1212 0 104 22.04.2019 07:41
regular season. ... The Angels are 32-20 when zhanjiao1212 0 141 22.04.2019 07:41
oit. Injuries slowed down former Triple Crown winner Miguel Cabrera of the Tigers and Cardinals ace Adam Wainwright zhanjiao1212 0 134 22.04.2019 07:41
level that would allow him to keep his zhanjiao1212 0 117 22.04.2019 07:41
the Lions were synonymous w zhanjiao1212 0 115 22.04.2019 07:41
its original position on pre-season zhanjiao1212 0 103 22.04.2019 07:41
block attempts at a pass for zhanjiao1212 0 111 22.04.2019 07:41
speeds, everything," said Cleveland manager Terry Fran zhanjiao1212 0 115 22.04.2019 07:40
Henochisch Linoma 1 753 30.10.2010 16:41
Einflüsse durch Hermes Trismegistos Linoma 0 359 02.04.2010 12:43
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