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Dieses Thema hat 1 Antworten
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 Schamael und Lilif
Linoma Offline

Beiträge: 1.500

08.08.2011 10:58
RE: Ziele Thread geschlossen


Neu Schöpfung !


......und sie trat hinaus aus der Dunkelheit, stieg hinab vom schwarzen Mond, kam aus den Tiefen des Urbewußtseins, einem Raum nicht sichtbar, nicht materiell greifbar und doch existent, existent wie die Erde..... nun aber war sie real geworden, in Menschengestalt wieder gekommen. Hinaus trat sie, schien allen entgegen, anders als es die allermeisten erwartet hatten, die sie düster wähnten, sie mit einem Gefolge aus Dämonen, schattengleichen Wesen mit grausamen Fratzen, Ausgeburten tiefer Finsternis erwartet hatten. Zu keiner Zeit war es so gewesen, alles nur Hirngespinnste jener, die eine kluge, unbeugsame Frau fürchteten, eine, die mit ihrer fühlenden Intelligenz alles durchdringen konnte, so vieles aufdeckte und schaute.

Nein, Lilith war nur mit ihren uralten Gefährten gekommen, ganz ohne Pomp. Sie war gekommen um Licht zu bringen, Licht in die Dunkelheit vieler Seelen, um die Menschen aus einem Jahrtausende währendem Schlaf zu holen, sie wach zu rütteln aus einem Schlaf, der sie allesamt hatte erstarren lassen. Sie schubste sie an alles zu hinterfragen, ihre angenommene Wirklichkeit zu überdenken, in Frage zu stellen. Lilith flüstere ihnen zu: "Es zählt nicht wer du bist, sondern wer du sein kannst!" diese Worte ihres Gefährten.

Lilith war gekommen um das Bewusstsein vieler auszuleuchten, sie beabsichtigte eine Persönlichkeit in die Welt zu bringen, die so hell strahlen würde, wie der aller hellste Stern am frühen Morgenhimmel, einer der endgültig genug Licht brächte, um auch die finstersten Schatten zu vertreiben, damit das Bewusstsein der Erdbewohner endlich zu neuen Horizonten gelänge.

So ist es, ich bin da, ich Lilith!

gez. Lilith Kiskil Lilla

Die Wahrheit wiegt meistens schwer.

Göttin Lilif Offline

Beiträge: 353

24.09.2012 15:16
#2 RE: Ziele Thread geschlossen

Last night I had a dream come to me..

I found myself in a crowd of people that were all trying to get a view of something ahead of them. They were all fairly dressed in simple clothing and some jewels. I was squeezed amongst the crowd trying to get a good view myself. I turned to the person next to me to ask what they were waiting for and he said ." The Queen, the wife of the King has a announcement to make"

Someone pushed me onto the platform "Go, go and meet her " they said.

I made my way up there and stepped up out of the crowds, Suddenly a beautiful and regal looking woman stepped out with feathered wings strapped to her arm and a beak and birds headress on her head... She walked past me to these steps that towered upwards. She looked back at me and said with a smile. "Im pregnant" It then occured to me, in telepathic sense that she was pregnant with a Son and this Son was to become the long awaited Prince of the people. She then walked up the steps.

When she was at the top and all eyes were upon her, she jumped off the platform to launch herself into the light. In my dream the sun did not hurt my eyes, so I saw the dark sillouette of her body superimposed inside the sun globe . She spread her wings till it gave the sun her wings and her and the sun and the bird became one..

I felt something was completed last night and confirmed.. Tomorrow completes the Khemitian Festival .:Legends of Aset and Ausar. Isis and Osiris

A mythical bird that never dies, the Phoenix rises from the ashes with a heightened awareness of time and space. She flies far to the front, with a keen vision for the prospects that lie ahead. In all her splendor and great beauty, the Phoenix inspires deathless hope and infinite possibilities.

Telepathically she also gave me a confirmation of the pregnancy, She said AUGUST was when the conception took place.. On August 1st. we had the full moon. and Sun in Leo (western zodiac) So two weeks later would be the missed period.

Pregnancy due date would be April 24, 2013 which is a Full Moon

In the first week of April we have a exciting conjunction of the SUN, MARS AND VENUS ! Then the planets are "spit " out onto dry land from Cetus the whale and lands on the feet of Aries the lamb... with Jupiter between the horns of Taurus.

Someone out there will have accomplished a balancing of male and female energies is what this dream is telling me . Wherever you are out there I congratulate you. Next spring should be the pinacle of accomplishment !


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